Thursday, March 15, 2007


This morning I decided to go down the marsh even though it was a bit windy which makes it a bit difficult whilst digiscoping,the sun was shining and I could here some Redshank calling as I neared the marsh. The first birds that caught my eye was a flock of Ruff which must have arrived overnight about 25 in all with one showing a lovely white head dress.
The next birds to come into view were a group of Little stint and Kentish plover feeding further along the sand bar near some bamboo, twelve birds,9 Kentish plover and 3 Little stint. As I walked further along the track I could see some Little ringed plover feeding in the margins these birds have arrived 3 weeks earlier than last year.I could still hear the Redshank making a racket further down the marsh so decided to go and have a look to see what was happening,as I got closer I could see one of the shepherds dogs crossing the marsh near to where the Redshank were feeding,obviously they were not impressed by the intrusion.
Another nice suprise as I turned to make my way back up the track was to see a flock of Red rumped swallows mixed in with some House martins diving down and skimming over the water feeding on a hatch of insects in the morning sun,spring has definitely arrived.